Interaction Notes

In Gnatta you have the ability to add Notes to your interactions. These enable your advisors to provide extra context for each interaction, making handovers easier and allowing better continuity of service between advisors.

How To Add Notes To Interactions

Once you have your interaction open, you can select Add Note at the bottom of the reply box, circled below.

The Reply panel will then change to a note. Notes allow for the same formatting options as a normal reply.

You can select the note colour in the top right of the reply panel. You can customise these colours by visiting the Company Details section of Advanced Config.

Once you have added the detail to your note, you simply select the add button in the bottom left to add this to the interaction.

Below is a view of what a note looks like in an interaction.

These will show along with other parts of the conversations or you can see only Interaction notes by using the conversation selection.

You are also able to edit the note once it has been added by selecting the EDIT button when hovering on a note. This will bring up the note editor in the reply box.