Interaction Notes

Interaction Notes

Quick links in this article:

Sometimes, you might need to store contextual information on the interaction without sending it to the customer or updating your data fields. For example, you could leave a note for Quality Assurance staff to explain why you’ve done something outside of the usual process. Or you might leave a note to help the next agent handling the interaction, saving them time doing some research that you’ve already completed!

How To Add Notes To Interactions

Once you have your interaction open, you can select the Notes icon in your toolkit at the bottom of the reply box. The reply box will then be overlaid by the Notes minipanel.

Useful to know:

  • You can select X to close the minipanel without saving your note.

  • At the top of the panel you’ll find the usual rich-text editing suspects, such as Bold, Underline and Italics.

  • To change the colour of your note, click the circle in the top left. The colours available here can be configured in your domain settings by an Admin.

  • Once you’ve written out your note, simply click the button in the bottom right and it’ll be saved into the interaction timeline, right alongside messages with the customer.

Notes are NEVER sent to a customer or 3rd party. They can only be viewed inside your Gnatta domain.

add a note.gif
Open the Notes minipanel, and add a new note

Below is a view of what a note looks like in an interaction.

A note on the interaction timeline

To view all of the notes in a single interaction together, you can click the filter button on the reply box and select Notes.

filter view notes.gif
Filter your view to see all interaction notes together

If you need to make a change to a note after posting it, hover over it with your cursor and select ‘Edit’ to reopen the note minipanel in your reply box.

edit a note.gif
Edit a note after posting it

Next steps

Now that you can add notes to your interactions, you can take a look at creating manual conversations - that is, switching channels within an interaction!

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