Creating Manual Conversations

Creating Manual Conversations

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Creating a new conversation gives you the ability to speak to a customer on another channel of their choice, or to speak with someone else entirely - all within the same interaction. You don’t lose sight of the bigger picture, and customer data remains connected regardless of channel.

Typical use cases include:

  • Emailing a third party (courier, alternative department etc.) to help resolve a query.

  • Send the customer a follow up on a different channel of their choice.

Create a conversation

Conversations are created within an interaction. That means you’ll need to first navigate to the interaction you want to use, and then find the three-dot menu next to the reply box to click ‘Create Conversation’.

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Create a conversation from the interaction reply box

If you have the channels configured in your domain, you can select one of three channels to create a conversation in: Email, SMS, Telephony. In our example, we’ve used Email.

You can either select a recipient from the interaction, or a recipient from your Address Book. For more information on managing the Address Book, check here: Creating An Address Book

Remember the interaction ID will add itself to the subject when you click confirm. Once you’ve confirmed your new conversation details, you’ll be directed back to the interaction, with your blank conversation ready to write.

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Send your new message, and change your conversation view as required

After you send your message, you can click the conversation switcher Screenshot 2024-10-01 100156.png next to the reply box to view the entire interaction, or switch back to the original conversation.

If creating a telephony conversation, the outbound call will begin as soon as you click confirm, so be sure you’re ready!

Next steps

Now that you can create manual conversations, check out using GIPHY to send GIFS in your responses.

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