Using Content Responses
Quick links in this article:
In this article, we’ll explore the use of content responses from the agent perspective.
Content not appearing as expected? Check you’ve met the relevant display criteria listed in this article: Publishing Classic Content
How it works
Depending on how your Gnatta Admin has setup your content library, content responses may be displayed in a variety of ways:
The entire library, organised by most relevant to least relevant (Score)
Only responses that meet specific display criteria will be available (Required)
The entire library, without sorting logic applied
This means you might see a different selection of content responses depending on the interaction you’re responding to - especially if the data in your Update panel is different, as this data is usually very important in deciding which content is relevant!
Using the content library
When answering an interaction, you can check if any content responses are available by clicking on the content icon in the toolkit on your reply box.
Need a recap on using the interaction panel? Check out this: Your Interactions Radar
Click on the body of a content response to see the whole copy it if it’s longer than the previewed snippet, or insert the relevant piece of content by clicking it’s name, and then ‘Insert’ or ‘Replace’.
Replacing the content will replace any existing copy in your reply box.
Using slash commands
If any slash commands have been configured for the content that is available to you, you’ll be able to access it quickly by typing /
into the editor. This will display any available slash commands and the name of the content they’re associated with. Select a response (with your mouse or by hitting the Enter key) and it’ll be inserted into your message editor.
Note that only content with simple placeholders can have slash commands. Content with complex placeholders will not be available in the / menu.
Content placeholders
The green tags in content responses are called placeholders. These come in three variants:
Manual - you’ll need to manually edit the content after you’ve inserted the response to your reply box. Manual placeholders are a signal from your Admin that you need to fill something in before you send!
Options - you’ll need to select from the dropdown options to fill the content.
Context - some placeholders are auto-filled using data on the interaction, such as tracking numbers. You don’t need to do anything with these placeholders, unless it looks like the data is incorrect.
Next steps
That’s everything there is to know about Gnatta Content Responses! Check here to explore more agent tools: