Add Your Channels
Quick links in this article:
The very first thing you should do with a new Gnatta domain, is to add a channel. Once you’ve added a channel, you can begin to make decisions about how to structure your queues, and invite your users.
After a channel is connected, you’ll need to let Gnatta know how you want to route conversations from that channel (i.e. into which queues, with or without deduplication logic, spam checkers and more!) before you can begin answering customers.
More on that here: After Adding a Channel
Getting started
To add a channel, navigate to the ‘Channels’ section of the configuration menu.
If it’s your first time connecting a channel, you’ll be presented with a tour right inside Gnatta - if you’d like to see it again, select the ?
in the bottom right of the screen.
Setup for each channel is slightly different - but it all starts with the ‘Connect Account’ button in the top right. Follow the instructions and popup steppers for each channel to get connected.
For specific tips and tricks on each channel, check the articles on Starting With Channels.
You can add as many accounts as you like for each channel type.
Default settings
When you create an account, Gnatta will automatically connect it to the default team on your domain and create a queue of the same name that you can use later, when you come to routing setup.
About streams
Every account you add in Gnatta will be split into streams - one each for the inbox (incoming messages), outbox (message sent to the customer), and for some channels a public stream such as comments on your Facebook wall posts. You can check which streams are available by clicking into the account in question.
Next steps
Connected your channels? Check here.