Publishing Classic Content
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In this article, we’ll explore the final step in creating your content library - publishing content, ready for your agents to use! Not yet created your content? Try here first:
Testing Content Responses
Before navigating to an interaction and opening the Content Response library (see the agent-focused article for more information), here are some useful things to know:
The content library is only refreshed when:
The interaction state has changed to
ORA new conversation is created OR
A new message is received/sent
The content library is only available when the interaction is:
In a queue AND assigned to a user AND the last inbound message is less than 2 months ago
Content variations are only visible when:
The display condition is met, if the condition is required not scored AND after browser caching has completed, if the content was recently published
These restrictions are in place to protect the performance speed of your Gnatta domain. If whilst testing your content you find it doesn’t appear as expected, please get in touch, we’re here to help: Help Desk
Publishing content
Now that you’ve setup your Content Response (complete with a display condition and at least one variation!), it’s time to publish it. If you’ve got a large content team working on building your content library, it can be useful to use the review process to manage delivery of content, and ensure content is thoroughly checked before it reaches your agents.
The review process has four states:
Draft: This content is still being edited and finalised
Review: A content response has been created and needs to be checked at before it’s usable in the live system
Reviewed: This is in a state where it can be used in the live system but is not active yet.
Published: This is in the live system.
Once you click ‘Save’ on a new piece of content, it’ll be in a Draft state. To get it in front of an agent, it’ll need to move through the remaining states in sequence.
Each time the state changes, it’ll be logged under the History tab, so you can track progression of your content through the review process.
If a piece of content is rejected at the Review stage, a note will be added to the Notes tab and it’ll be sent back to Draft.
Once your content has been published, it’ll be available to the agent (provided the display condition is met/the display condition is scored). Note that browser caching may take up to 10 minutes.
Editing after publishing
After a piece of content has been published, you’ll need to Copy to draft
in order to make changes, and send the content through the review process again.
Hovering over the variation will show the previous (published) version.
Next steps
That’s it! Your content library should be up and running. Want to see it in action?