Fixing Performance Issues

Fixing Performance Issues

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Are you having trouble with any of the following?

  • User(s) experiencing delays in messages appearing?

  • User(s) experiencing delays when changing their user state?

  • User(s) experiencing delays in Interactions loading?

  • User(s) experiencing delays when changing dynamic data fields?

This might be caused by a variety of issues- check each of the below to pinpoint the problem.

If you’ve checked all of the below and are still having trouble, please raise a ticket via Service Desk. We’d be glad to help.

CHECK: Gnatta Status Page

If you’re experiencing broad spectrum performance issues, check the Gnatta Status Page to identify any known performance concerns or disruptions:

CHECK: Browser version

If the user is on an outdated version of their browser, this may cause compatibility issues. Ensure the user is on the most up to date version:

CHECK: Caching and cookies

Sometimes, browsers store data and cookies to help streamline your browsing journey, but that stored data doesn’t match what Gnatta has if changes have occurred since the cookies or data were stored. Log out of Gnatta, and then clear your browsing data before logging back in.

CHECK: CPU usage

If the computer the user is on is currently running program(s) affecting their CPU (processing power!), this may cause the browser to load slowly. Use the Task Manager tool on the affected computer to assess CPU usage and close any unnecessary programs.

Too many concurrent browser tabs can cause this, also!

CHECK: Internet connection

Gnatta requires a reasonable internet connection to perform well - a poor internet connection can cause significant usage issues. Check your connectivity is stable and meeting your broadband providers benchmark.

CHECK: VPN connection

If your user is connecting to Gnatta and your systems using a VPN, try removing this layer and test performance with out it. If improvements are seen, that means the VPN setup may need to be investigated. VPN connections are often a little slower than direct connection - but a significant difference should be investigated.

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