Learn About Widgets

Learn About Widgets

Widget Location

On the Widget Configuration Page, there are two locations that widgets can be added; an Interaction and a Segment.


Interaction Widgets are used when you want to create a new segment within an interaction. This also allows you to pass information from the interaction to the widget or information from the widget back to the interaction. Once created these widgets then become available on all interactions similar to the below (these are selected and in the drop-down list similar to the default segments like History and Related).


Segment widgets are used to create a segment that is agnostic of interactions. The information/access to these will not be coupled with interactions. See below an example of a Segment Widget used to create interactions and assign them.


Widget Types

When adding a widget by selecting the Add button on the Configuration Page, you will see there are three different Widget Types.


Internal Widgets, allow you to upload your own JavaScript and HTML to control the view and functionality of the widget (See Widget Documentation).


External Widgets, allow you to simply iframe a page into the widget view. Please ensure that the page/URL used for this permits being iframed.


Background Widgets, only require a script to be added and do not have a view. This type of widget runs in the background without users seeing any new segments or UI. These can be used to automatically populate information or even track and record user behaviour.

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