Dashboards Metrics
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In this article, we’ll explore each of the real-time data tiles currently available via Dashboards.
If you’re not sure how to set up a Dashboard, check this article first: Dashboards Overview
Within the Queues
category, you’ll find the following tiles:
Queue Overview
Available Resource
Queue Radar
Queue Overview
Selecting the ‘Combined’ toggle for this tile will sum the interactions across all queues selected, which can be useful to get a high level view of contact centre volumes.
This powerful tile provides a top-down view of your queues, and is often used in conjunction with the Queue Radar by shift supervisors. You can create tiles for individual queues or multiple queues. The data displayed in this tile includes:
Total: The combination of items Queued, Automation and Assigned
Automation: The number of items in an Automation state i.e. in a chatbot or IVR process
Queued: The number of items in the queue that are in a Queued state (waiting to be assigned)
Assigned: The number of items in the queue in an Assigned state (are currently assigned to an agent)
Min Wait Time: The time the newest item in the queue has been waiting without a response from an advisor.
Average Wait Time: The average time of items in the queue have been waiting without a response from an advisor
Maximum Wait Time: The time the oldest item in the queue has been waiting without a response from an advisor.
This tile aims to help you understand your current volumes, and then, with the added context of wait times, allows you to understand how you are serving these interactions and thus your customers.
Where to find this tile: Queues > Queue Overview
Available Resource
This tile can be set up by queue and by channel. The data will show your total possible number of available advisors, the number of available slots for that channel, and your maximum slots for that channel.
Users: The number of online users for the queue
Availability: This will display the channels you’ve selected to monitor availability for the first number is the number of spaces available and the second number is the maximum number you could have available. i.e. Available spaces / Maximum spaces.
This tile is vitally important for being able to manage your live resource and agent capacity, so you can make dynamic decisions to bring in extra staff, or time lunch breaks appropriately.
Where to find this tile: Queues > Available Resource
and General > Available Resource
In the screenshot example, this means there is 1 agent available, with lots of capacity on each channel. They’re currently assigned 1 (of 10) Facebook queries and 1 (of 10) Email queries.
If there were 2 agents online, the channel availability would reflect their combined capacity (minus any assigned interactions).
Queue Radar
This tile offers a snapshot of the the top 10 longest waiting interactions across the queues you select. The way the score is calculated depends on the queue the interaction belongs to.
This tile works exactly like Queue Radar, but summarises across queues. For more information on using Queue Radar, check this article: Queue Radar
Within the Webchat
category, you’ll find the following tiles:
Chats Today
Response Times
Chat Monitoring
Active Chats
Chats Today
The Inbound Calls Today tile, available via the Telephony
category, works in the same way as this one.
This tile provides a breakdown of how your live conversations have been handled for the day so far (split by the hour). For webchat this will show the number of Webchats handled, abandoned by the customer, and abandoned by an operator.
For Calls, this will show Handled, abandoned in IVR, and abandoned by the customer. This information is critical in understanding your abandonment rate, and how many contacts you’re handling vs those you receive. This chart can also be split by media account, if you have multiple chat or telephony accounts to monitor.
Where to find this tile: WebChat > Chats Today
(or Telephony > Inbound Calls Today
Response Times
This tile provides the average response time and average initial response time of chats. Initial response time is the time between the customer’s first message and the agent’s first message. This provides an interesting insight against the average response time for any message in the chat.
Aiming for a lightning fast Initial Response Time starts a conversation off with more trust, and creates more positive customer experiences. Contact centres typically set a higher benchmark for Initial Response Time than Average Response Time, encouraging agents to send a greeting or an acknowledgement as soon as the chat is assigned.
Where to find this tile: WebChat > Response Times
Chat Monitoring
The Call Monitoring tile, available via the Telephony
category, works in the same way as this one.
This tile shows your open interactions for the selected queue, detailing who the interaction is assigned to, the current status of the conversation, and the interaction reference number. Clicking the interaction number will load the interaction in a new tab.
The aim of this chart is to give you a closer view on your active conversations, and help your supervisors and team leaders identify problems or concerns.
Active Chats
The Active Calls tile, available via the Telephony
category, works in the same way as this one.
This tile gives information on your live channels to show how many active chats or calls you have at the moment, the average duration of those active conversations, and how many you have waiting in the queue. It’s a slightly different view of the same data you’ll find in Conversation Monitoring, but focusing more on volume concerns than the status of individual conversations.
Where to find this tile: WebChat > Active Chats
(or Telephony > Active Calls
, or General > Active Conversations
Within the Telephony
category, you’ll find the following tiles:
Inbound Calls Today
Call Monitoring
Active Calls
Each of these tiles work in the same way as the Chat equivalents, described in the previous section.
Within the Users
category, you’ll find the following tiles:
User Monitoring
Users Online
User Monitoring
This tile provides information on Users, their current status, the duration they have been in that status, the number of interactions assigned to them, and the channel of those interactions. This is really helpful for team leaders and supervisors, aiding them in keeping track of shift handovers and comfort breaks. The tile can be created by selecting individual users or by selecting full teams.
The status column is based on the User States defined in your domain. Learn more about how to use these states, or to define custom states, here: User States
Where to find this tile: Users > User Monitoring
Clicking the ‘eye’ icon on the tile will pop open a modal containing the interactions assigned, so you can zoom in to the detail and check on individual interactions too.
Users Online (domain-wide)
This tile gives a simple overview of how many users are online, away, and busy on the domain. It’s a quick snapshot of the same data provided in the User Monitoring tile, so you can see at a glance if you have a resource concern.
Where to find this tile: Users > Users Online
Dashboards API
The metrics and data detailed above are available via our API Documentation. You can learn how to access our APIs and what is required on our Client Application and Gnatta API Access pages.