Manage Your Teams
Quick links in this article:
Getting started
To manage your teams, navigate to the Users and teams page in your domain settings, and click into the ‘Teams’ tab.
In order to ensure your contact centre routing works correctly, it is critical you have at least one team, and complete ALL of the following steps:
Add team members (and ensure those team members have sufficient user capacities!)
Map the team to queues so you can tell Gnatta where to get work
Set a schedule so you can tell Gnatta when this team is available
Map your team to channel accounts, so you can tell Gnatta which accounts the schedule applies to
Create a new team
You can create a new team using the button on the top right of the screen. You’ll be asked to provide a name and list any users that you want to join your team.
Be sure to complete the rest of the team configuration options, to ensure your routing works!
Changing team members
Click ‘Edit users’ to manage the members of your team.
You can also add users to a team individually, from the ‘Users’ tab.
Assign to a queue
In order for the members of your team to receive interactions, you’ll need to assign the team to a queue(s). When an interaction is added into the queue, it can then be assigned to a member of your team.
Interactions will be assigned from queues based on priority - more on that here: Routing & Assignation
Set a schedule
You may want to avoid assigning work to your team outside of working hours - you can control that via the Schedule settings.
In your routing logic, you can check whether a schedule is active to decide how to handle the interaction via the ‘Check Opening Hours' action in Workflow.
Click ‘Edit schedule’ to open the editor. You can use the 24h mode, or get more detailed using the Custom times mode. Click on the days of the week to indicate whether they should be active, or not.
If you need different times for different days (for example, shorter weekend hours) click + Add another time
on the 'Custom times' mode.
Add channel accounts
Next, ensure you’ve mapped your team to all of the relevant Channel accounts - this will tell Workflow which accounts your team schedule applies to. It’s critical you do this as well as mapping Queues, as both links feed into your routing logic (more on routing here: ).
We set schedules on the team not the channel account, so you can have multiple teams working in coordinating shifts to provide a broader range of coverage. Workflow will check the schedules for all teams connected to the account the conversation belongs to when it makes a decision.
Remove a team
You’ll only be able to delete a team when you have more than one team created in Gnatta. When you want to delete a team, you can do so using the three-dot options menu.
What’s next?
If you’ve finished sorting your users and configuring your teams, you can move on to some final user management tweaks (like adjusting individual agent capacities) - or onward to begin configuring your automatic routing logic.