User Permissions

User Permissions

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All new users will have only the ‘User’ permissions enabled, by default.

Once you have created a new Gnatta user and they’ve accepted their invite, you can edit their ability to access specific areas of Gnatta, if required, by setting specific user permissions.

To change a user’s permissions, navigate to Settings > Users and teams > [user name] > Set permissions

Users will only appear in the user list after they have accepted their invite and completed their account setup. Check pending invites in the ‘Invited’ tab.

edit permissions.gif
Give specific user permissions in the Settings > Users and teams area

Below is a list of each permissions type, and the features users will be able to access:


  • This is the default permission.

  • You will be able to open the radar and manage interactions that are assigned to yourself.

  • You can open notifications that are sent to you.

  • You are able to select widgets/custom links and open the Update, History and Related panels.


  • As a Publisher, you are able to make an outbound call (not limited to the address book).


  • You are able to see the additional analytics icons in the top left of the UI, which will respectively open Dashboards and Reporting. You are able to use all the features in these areas.



  • This gives access to the co-ordination page within Gnatta’s legacy interface.

  • This will reveal the Queue Radar icon in the main navigation header. You are able to use all features in this area.



  • You will be able to use most features within the Settings and Advanced areas of Configuration, via the cog in your main navigation header.

  • You will be able to redact images and messages on interactions.

You will not be able to use Workflow, Widgets, HTTP, Authentication or Bulk Update tools. See Workflow Admin or Global Admin to access these.

Workflow Admin

  • With this permission, you are able to use Workflow (Beta). Access it via Configuration, and look out for Workflow (Beta) under Routing.

  • You will also be able to access the legacy workflow builder interface whilst it remains available, via Configuration > Advanced > Workflow.

Please note, the legacy builder interface is scheduled to be disabled when the Beta version has been approved. Please get in touch for more information.

Global Admin

  • This permission provides additional admin segments within the Advanced Configuration menu. These are Widgets, HTTP, Authentication and Bulk Update.


  • With this permission, you are able to use any and all of the Gnatta features. This will override all other permissions settings.

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