Updating Data Fields

You’ve learned how to extract key data using Javascript or the Find Text action - now let’s go through how to store this data so you can put it to work!

The aim here is to automatically recognise, extract and store all the data an advisor needs so they don’t need to go searching for it and can focus on service instead of backend tasks. We’re going to want to add the data they need into the custom fields they can see in the Update panel.

You need to have data sets and data types set up to complete this tutorial - see how to do it here. You’ll also need to have outputs from a previous ‘Find Text’ or ‘Javascript’ action already stored, which we cover here.

Automatically Updating Data - Free Text Fields

To update data automatically, we need to have an output stored from a previous action. Assuming that’s done, we’ll now decide where to put it.

In our example, we’ve created a regex that looks for email addresses, and stored the context. We want to store this email address in an ‘Email Address’ custom field. So first, let’s use the builder to select Update Interaction after the ‘Find Text’ action we just made.

Now we have the action open, the first thing we want to do is ‘Assign a data group’. This is telling Gnatta which data fields it should display when showing the query to the advisor. You don’t have to, but it makes most sense to select the group that contains the field you’re going to update, so the advisor can see it!

update interaction.gif
Create a new ‘Update Interaction’ action and assign a data group

Now we’re going to use ‘Preset data’ to automatically update a data field on the interaction. Selecting this will display a list of all of your custom data fields (from all of your data groups - so you can update fields the agent can’t see, too). You can scroll or search for what you’re looking for.

In this case we want our Email Address field.

There are different data types, which display differently. You always want ‘Editor - String’ for free text fields.

If we select Email Address, we’ll then need to define what we’d like to update the value of the field to. Select ‘Explore’ to dive into the Contextual Data explorer. Right at the top, Gnatta will autosuggest outputs you’ve created earlier in your flow. In this case, the output is the one we created in the previous ‘Find Text’ action:

setting data field.gif
Select your data field and preset it with a previous action output!

Now, whenever this flow runs it’ll look for an email address and automatically put it into the Email Address field. You can repeat this process for any fields you like to automate all your data input!

Automatically Updating Data - Dropdowns

You can also automatically fill in dropdown fields, too. There are two main uses for this:

  1. Automatically setting the reason for contact (for automated reporting later)

  2. Setting the ‘state’ of the interaction without agent intervention

We’ll follow the exact same steps we went through above, but this time you’re looking for ‘Single Select - Status’

Fields that have dropdowns are marked as ‘Single Select - Status’. Make sure you’re using this data type if you want to pre-fill dropdowns.

Select the dropdown you’re looking for, and it will automatically update this field when the flow executes. You can add so much intelligent automation here; by adding in checkpoints for Gnatta to assess before you fill in data, you can get the right data to the right agent, just for them, every time.