Accessing Gnatta APIs

Accessing Gnatta APIs

In this article, you will learn how to access our APIs. Our latest APIs use OAuth 2.0 authentication flow and the grant type needed will be Client Credentials

If you haven’t already created a Client Application in Gnatta then please check this out here

Creating an access token

Here is an example using Postman (Version 7.34.0). Creating a New Request you can select Authorization Type to OAuth 2.0 (as below).

Then to the right of this, you should see the Get New Access Token Button.


You will then be presented with the below and you want to select the Grant Type as Client Credentials.


Your Access Token URL can be found at:

https://auth.gnatta.services/%5BYOUR DOMAIN ID]/.well-known/openid-configuration

(ask your Service Delivery Manager for your domain ID). 

Client ID and Client Secret can be located on your Client Application you have created in Gnatta. 

Remember the secret is only shown on creation but you can generate new secrets.

Once these details have been inputted and you have selected Request Token you will be provided with a Bearer token to be used with our APIs. 

Using your token with our APIs

When testing the APIs using our documentation you will need to authorize them first. At the top of each API page, you will see the Authorize icon below. 

Once selected you will just need to input the word Bearer and then paste in the token that you have created and click Authorize. Now you’re ready to try out our APIs. 

See links to our documentation and an overview of our API’s. Each of our API endpoints has a Try it out button as shown below.

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