Troubleshooting Assignation

Troubleshooting Assignation

Checked all of these, and things still aren’t right? We’re here to help!

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Problem: Users aren’t being assigned interactions

There could be multiple reasons you’re experiencing issues with the assignation of work, below are a number of areas for you to check that should help you pinpoint the problem.

Check users are in the correct team

If your users aren’t being assigned work at all, you should first check that users are in the correct team: Manage Your Teams

Check the team has been mapped to the queue

If your users are definitely in the correct team, check that the team has been added to the correct queue: Queue Setup

Check the user has capacity

If the above are both correct, check the individual capacity and channel restrictions in your user setup: Managing Active Users

Problem: Queue volumes building when you have availability

If you’re experiencing issues with interactions being assigned in the incorrect order (such as non-live interactions before live interactions, causing customers to wait unnecessarily) or some queues building whilst others are worked through too quickly, try checking the below.

Check queue priorities

Ensure your queues are sorted into the correct priority ratings by checking the position relative to other queues: Queue Setup | Managing Priority

Check queue escalations

If new interactions are being assigned before old ones, check the escalation parameters are setup correctly: Queue Setup | Managing Escalations

Problem: Interactions are populating in the wrong queue

If you’re experiencing issues with interactions being assigned to the wrong queue, the problem is likely to be in Workflow. Check the flows on the New Message Received and Response Received events for the media account in question:

Check Create Interaction actions

Each ‘Create Interaction’ action in your Flows requires you to select a queue. Check the Flows on the relevant events to ensure you are creating interactions into the correct queue: Actions | Create Interaction

Check Update Interaction actions

If interactions are being created in the correct queue, check your Flows for Update Interactions - if you are using lots of decision logic, you may have an erroneous Update Interaction action changing the queue. Actions | Update Interaction

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