Defining Custom Data

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Custom data fields in Gnatta are called ‘Dynamic Data’. Custom fields are incredibly important for collecting information on interactions, making automated decisions based on this information, and creating in-depth reporting data.

Getting started

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In Gnatta, there are four major types of custom fields:

  • Free text fields (used to store things like an email address, phone number or customer ID)

  • Status fields (i.e. to track whether the interaction is New, Responded, or Closed etc.)

  • Option fields (dropdown selectors, such as 'Reason' containing Refunds, Delivery or Other)

  • Timer fields (where Gnatta can store a current timer duration, set by Workflow)

Most domains will need at least one interaction Status field, and a selection of free text and option fields, such as:

  • Customer Name

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Order Number

  • Tracking ID

  • Reason for contact (options of Refund, WISMO, Website issues or other).

To create data fields, navigate to Configuration > Advanced > Dynamic Data > +Add. When creating a new data field, you’ll need to provide the Type (String, Status or Timer) and a Presentation Type (Editor, SingleSelect or Custom). We’d recommend the following combinations:

  • Free text field: String + Editor

  • Status field: Status + SingleSelect

  • Option field: String + SingleSelect

  • Timer field: Timer + Editor

create a field.gif
Head to Configuration > Advanced > Dynamic Data to create new custom data fields.

Creating an Interaction Status field

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Every Gnatta domain should have at least one Status field set up. A typical ‘Interaction Status’ field might have options such as:

  • New - the interaction has not yet been handled by any other agents

  • Responded - a new response on an existing interaction

  • Wrap Up- a live interaction has ended, but the agent needs to carry out follow-ups before closing

  • Closed - the agent has indicated they’ve finished with the interaction

  • Ignore - the agent has indicated a response isn’t necessary

  • Junk - the agent has marked the interaction as spam

When creating these options, you will need to define which are ‘Open’ and which are ‘Closed’. In this example, it’s likely we’d split that as follows:

  • Open - New, Responded, Wrap Up

  • Closed - Closed, Ignore, Junk

This critical field is how agents tell Gnatta they’ve finished with a piece of work - whenever they select a Closed option from this field, Gnatta will automatically unassign the interaction, clearing room on their radar to receive a new interaction.

You can create a Status field in your domain settings from Advanced > Dynamic Data > + Add. Be sure to set the type as ‘Status’ and the presentation type as ‘Single Select’ - it’s essential it displays as a dropdown for your agents to avoid typing errors interfering with your automations and flows!

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Create a new status field with Type: Status and Presentation: SingleSelect

The type of status options needed vary for every business, which is why it’s a custom field, and not hardcoded into your domain.

Add all of the options you think you’ll need to this field, being sure to toggle the ‘Open’ switcher depending on whether the option should be an Open or Closed state. This will tell Gnatta whether to unassign the interaction or not.

Grouping with Data Sets

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Sets are used to group your dynamic data together, so you can tell Gnatta which data group to display on the interaction for your agents, or to keep relevant data fields together (like pre-chat and post-chat surveys).

To create a data set, navigate to Advanced > Dynamic Data > Sets > + Add.

You can add the data fields you’ve created into this data set with the + button.

Where Dynamic Data is Used

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Dynamic data is seen on the Interaction Radar that your agents use, in the Update panel. Your agents can then use these custom fields to store information about the interaction (or you can use Workflow to auto-detect and prefill them!).

The data stored in these fields can then be used in Analytics for reporting, synced with external systems, or to trigger Workflow automations such as automatic chases or follow-ups!

Newly added custom fields may take up to 10 minutes to appear in a data group - try clearing your cache to speed it up, or log out and in again.

For more information on the interaction radar and how to use it, see .

What’s next?

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Now that you’ve created your custom data fields and sorted them into a data set(s), you’re ready for the final step - connecting your inbound conversations to your queues, so your agents can begin answering.