User First Steps

You have your user and have updated your password, now it’s time to sign in! Gnatta is all about the interactions between the advisors and the customers and so the first thing to look at is how your new domain looks to help you manage these. If you are an admin looking to add new users you can check out how to do this here. Signing in will bring you to your domain’s homepage and as a basic user you’ll be able to see a few things that’ll help you get started.

Firstly, you’ll notice there are three icons on the top right and three icons on the top left. The Icons on from right to left represent your Interaction Radar, where you’ll work the interactions assigned, Links to often used pages and Widgets that help you do other things in the system like create new interactions or check the Knowledge base for help. Across the gap you’ll then see the search, notifications and User Tab icons.

All of these icons provide you access to useful tools, but the heart of Gnatta is the Interactions tab. Selecting this button will open your radar where any interactions assigned to you will be displayed.

On opening the Interactions tab you’ll be able to see your radar and then, as soon as you are set to an Online State, you’ll begin to see any interactions assigned specifically to you. At this point you can reply to your customers by selecting any interaction you’ve been assigned!