The Advisor View

In this article, we are going to teach you the basics of Gnatta Interactions and how to engage with your customers. If you’d prefer a video on how this works, check this out.


Send and receive messages from your customers here. Clicking here will show you all of the Interactions assigned to you.

When you’ve been assigned work a notification will appear on the icon as below.

User Controls

This is where you can change your language, sign out and update your status.

You will only receive new work when you have set an Available status.


The radar is found on the left of your screen as shown below.

When you’re assigned Interactions they will appear here. You can open and work on Interactions directly from the radar.

You will see a snapshot of information including who the conversation is with, channels involved in the interaction, and a preview of the last message.

Notifications will appear to indicate new messages and new interactions assigned to you.

Customer Information

Here you will see details regarding the contact of the current/latest conversation in the Interaction.

You’ll see which channels contacts use to send messages. Remember to make sure that your channels are all set up correctly or they won’t display here.

You can use the three-dot menu to open and close the history, update, and related Interaction panels.


This panel shows you inbound and outbound messages for each conversation in your chosen interaction.

If there are multiple conversations these are clearly broken up for you.

Notes will also be shown in the conversation timeline.

If you want to focus on one part of your Interaction, you can use the speech bubble icon on the bottom left.

Reply Panel

This is where you type out your replies to your contacts.

Using the icons at the bottom you can add attachments, customise your messages and add notes.

Using the three dots in the top right of the highlighted section you can also create conversations with contacts saved in your address book.

Data Fields

Here you will see data fields relevant to the Interaction. You’re able to select and set these values yourself.

Some of these may be automatically set by Gnatta for you.

Use the status field to set interactions to closed once you’ve finished with them.

Advanced Update Panel

This is where you can change the data fields you can see in the update panel of the Interaction and also manually assign interactions to specific advisors.

To manually assign an interaction you just need to select from the “Teams” drop-down menu which Team the advisor you wish to assign to is in. This will then display the “Users” option where you can select who you want to assign the interaction too. This will ignore channel and maximum capacities allowing you to get an interaction to a specific advisor even if they have no space to be assigned it automatically.

To change the options in the panel, use the Data Set option which will list all of the available groups of Data Fields. Select the one you want use and the panel will update. You can see more details on Data Fields and Sets here.


In this panel, you will see Interactions that are similar to the one that you are currently working on.

When an Interaction is closed it’s greyed out. You’ll see a timestamp of when it was closed.

You can select Interactions that appear on this list to look at them in more detail.


The History panel shows an audit log of updates that have happened on the interaction since it was created.

You will be able to see updates completed by users as well as automatic actions completed by Gnatta.